Published Data Registry

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Title ▴AuthorsJournalPublication year
AntimiR-132 Attenuates Myocardial Hypertrophy in an Animal Model of Percutaneous Aortic ConstrictionHinkel R, Batkai S, (...), Kupatt CJournal of the American College of Cardiology2021
AntimiR-21 Prevents Myocardial Dysfunction in a Pig Model of Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury(Open Access) Hinkel R, Ramanujam D, (...), Engelhardt SJournal of the American College of Cardiology2020
Autophagy unleashes noncanonical microRNA functions(Open Access) Santovito D, Egea V, (...), Weber CAutophagy2020
Beyond the RNA-dependent function of LncRNA genes(Open Access) Ali T, Grote PElife2020
Blood-based protein profiling identifies serum protein c-KIT as a novel biomarker for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(Open Access) Sonnenschein K, Fiedler J, (...), Thum TScientific Reports2021
Calcium-Controlled Reactive Oxygen Species Afterburner Perpetuates Endothelial Damage After Radiation Therapy(Open Access) Brandes RP, Wittig IArterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol2022
Cardiac remodelling – Part 1: From cells and tissues to circulating biomarkers. A review from the Study Group on Biomarkers of the Heart Failure Association of the European Society of CardiologyGonzález A, Richards AM, (...), Bayés‐Genís AEuropean Journal of Heart Failure2022
Cas9-expressing chickens and pigs as resources for genome editing in livestock(Open Access) Rieblinger B, Sid H, (...), Schusser BProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences2021
Cell cycle defects underlie childhood-onset cardiomyopathy associated with Noonan syndrome(Open Access) Meier AB, Raj Murthi S, (...), Wolf CMiScience2022
Circular RNAs: A Novel Class of Functional RNA Molecules with a Therapeutic Perspective(Open Access) Santer L, Bär C, Thum TMolecular Therapy2019